Thursday, June 18, 2009

Max is 11!

Yesterday was Max's 11th Birthday! On every one of my kids' birthdays, I find myself thinking about the day of arrival. Max had little sense of urgency (which is a trait that holds true today) and arrived 9 days late. With the exception of a rough spot between 4 and 6 months, he was a content baby. Quietly observing as Jake entertained him with constant chatter and book "reading". Still an incredible listener and observer, he spouts statistics and facts and can find a teeny, tiny toad amidst tall grass. He is intelligent, creative and heart melting-ly empathic.

I think the birthday cake shot is as important as the birthday cake. This year Max choose Lemon Cream Pie. An excellent choice for an excellent kid. Party on, Max.


  1. He looks so happy! Happy Birthday Max!! I cannot believe he is only 11, he looks wise beyond his years. And, that lemon cream pie looks perfect. Imagine that.

  2. happy birthday Max- you are one of the coolest kids I know! ;)



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