Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Day In The Creek

Today was a perfect day to join some LivingWell friends for a little creek fun. Nets in hand, many kids and adventurous adults went in search of cool creek life.

Last year, Henry was unwilling to put his feet in the water and I carried him through the creek. After removing his socks he jumped right and snagged two crayfish. Yaaayy, Henry!

Heads down, we did our best to gather as many specimen as possible. After hours in the creek and a quick picnic lunch we had found many tiger frogs, a bullfrog tadpole, tiger frog tadpole, lots of crayfish, damsel fly larvae, a baby catfish and a baby bluegill. A diverse group of creatures with lots to teach.

After hands-off viewing and fond farewells, our catches were returned to their homes in the creek where they were found.

Cool water, hot sun, picnic lunch, the thrill of the hunt with a little education thrown in. What more could a mom want for her kids on an August afternoon?

1 comment:

Georgine said...

What a cool thing to do. You are such a fun and adventuress Mom. You are my idol - for more than one reason.