Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Has Arrived!

You set seeds, mist, rotate, hope, coddle, mist, watch and wait. Then one day those little seeds have sprouted and grown enough to set out on their own. You dig, mound, water, weed, mulch, water, weed and wait. You cage, tie, pamper, tie and hope the wind doesn't blow it all over. Then one day you see it - a little green orb that grows into the true essence of summer. Soon the waiting draws near as the first blush appears upon its' shoulders.

Today, my wait is over. I have harvested the first of what I hope to be many, many more tomatoes. I am swelling with pride over this huge heirloom of unknown heritage. A mixed pack of Renee's Garden heirloom tomato seeds was planted so I have no way of knowing what these beauties are named.

I really don't think it matters though because I have buffalo mozzarella, a fine balsamic and basil in the garden.

Regardless of what the calendar says, in my backyard summer has arrived.

1 comment:

Georgine said...

NOthing better than a home grown tomato. ANd the mozzarella, and the basil. Well, the balsamic too. YUM! my favorite summer meal.