Thursday, March 10, 2011

Going West

Today is a super exciting day.

Recently, I discovered a wonderful website connecting moms with great stuff in the western suburbs. Full of information for great field trips, educational play and general fun for families, it's the ideal site for young mothers. I wish there had been a resource like this when I was a young, ummm, young-er mother. Oh, the hours I spent researching things for us to do when they were all at home....watching Sesame Street. *Sigh* I miss those days.

Another great aspect of Go West is simply connecting moms. Any mom knows it's great to know other moms are experiencing exactly the same things. The Mompreneur Directory gives moms the opportunity to share their home-based businesses and many offer special deals, too. Moms with businesses. Cool.

I am so proud to be a part of this group, as a Mompreneury and a contributor. Having the opportunity to write about local food, sustainable living and other things near and dear to my heart is thrilling.

It would be so wonderful if you'd check out my first essay for Go West Young Mom.

It's great to be a mom.

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